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Local businesses on Oxford Street in Darlinghurst, Sydney



Help us produce flyers, how to vote cards and meet campaign expenses.


Sign the petition to
Save our Oxford Street.


We appreciate all help . Get in touch below with how you would like to help.
How to Donate




                              Bank:                   Qudos Bank

                              BSB:                     704865                   

                              Account:            02262553           

                              Name:                Susan Ritchie         

Please include your email address in the payment reference to ensure you receive a receipt.

Crowd funding is being used to raise funds for the campaign, to produce flyers, posters, press releases, PR, how to vote cards and T-shirts


Please contribute to support my campaign, by depositing funds via electronic transfer to the following account that is specifically and only for campaign funding, and send me an email to advise me accordingly.

Donations are tax deductible.

In order to maintain the integrity of elections and political processes, you can only make a political donation if you are:

  1. On an Australian electoral roll

  2. An Australian business entity with an ABN 


As well, NSW legislation prohibits some groups from making political donations. If you belong to any of the groups below, it is illegal for you to donate to Sue's Lord Mayoral campaign.
   (a) a property developer (including anyone becoming a property developer within 12 months)
   (b) a tobacco industry business entity
   (c) a liquor or gambling industry business entity
   (d) a close associate of (a), (b) or (c)
   (e) any industry representative organisation if the majority of its members are those listed in (a), (b) or (c).
NSW legislation also imposes the following caps on political donations: 
  • In the current financial year (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024), an individual or business entity can donate up to a maximum of $7,900 to a political party. 
We do not accept cash donations.

Sign the Petition

 Head to and sign to:

  • Keep The Cycleway on Moore Park Road

  • Revitalise Oxford Street with parklet extensions for alfresco parking, car parking bays outside shops, bus bays next to the curb, more trees and all right-hand-turns retained




If you would like to volunteer to help in any way, please complete the following form to identify yourself and how you would like to help.


Thank you for reaching out!

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